Friday 4 April 2014

Vaastu Directions

In our day to day life we use different  pointing s like Go Left,  Turn Right, Climb Up, look Down, Walk towards East, corner West building, Northern part of the city, sleep heading towards South, Drive Straight..

Among these directions we have 4 main cardinal directions which are East, west North and South.

In Hindu deity for Vastu purpose we use totally 8 directions including the 4 main directions and 4 intermediate/ordinal directions.

1. East (E)
2. West (W)
3. South (S)
4. North (N)
5. North East (NE)
6. North West (NW)
7. South East (SE)
8. South West (SW)

All these directions have very significant role and each direction is ruled by different Lords. We will step by step know
How to know the direction referencing to our standing orientation?
Who rule these directions and How they will effect our life or living place ?

How to know and point these Directions ?

With respect to Sun's rise in the morning we can trace these directions. We are very well familiar with the 2universal statements, "The Sun rises in East"  and "The Sun sets is West"

The direction in which morning Sun rises is East and the evening Sun sets direction is West. Where ever we are we can know direction by the Sun's position. We can know by using the Compass as well.

When we move from East in Clockwise direction we get South and opposite direction to South is North. North and South are opposite Poles.

The Intermediate poles of these four E, W, N, S directions are North East, North West, South East and South West.

We now got and idea how to point these directions. Now we will know the Lords who rule these 8 directions.

Who rule these directions and How they will effect our life or living place ?

Am image is worth a 1000 words. It's very self explanatory. Lets dig in complete details.

Vaastu Directions

We will move in clock wise direction to know about these lords and their energies and powers.

East is empowered by Lord Indra who is King of Gods.
South East is ruled by Agni Dev and He is God of Fire.
South is governed by Yama Dharma Raja shortly Yama and he is God of death.
South west is ruled by Nritti, Godess of destruction.
West is empowered by Varuna Dev, God of Rains.
North West is ruled by Vayu Dev, God of Winds.
North is governed by Kubera, God of Wealth.
North East is empowered by Isana, another name to Shiva Maha Dev and the North East direction is symbol of Wealth and Happiness.

Don't forget this directions if need take a copy. This will be very useful if you are shifting a house or buying or constructing a house.

May God fulfil your wishes and bless you with the wealth and prosperity.

Thursday 3 April 2014

How to draw Asta Dhala Padmam

Asta Dhala Padma - A flower with 8 petals.

This flower is a place of Goddess Lakshmi Devi. Before starting any puja Asta Dhala Padamam rangoli is made. Today I will show you how to make it. Follow below steps and trust me its very simple and easy.

Steps to draw Asta Dhala Padmam

1. Draw 4 lines intersecting as shown in the image. 2 lines should be like Plus (+) symbol and 2 lines should be like cross symbol.
Asta Dhala Padmam- Step1

2. Now concentrate on center point i.e., lines intersecting point. You have 8 lines(See above image). Join the every 2 alternate lines. 
First join the lines as shown with dotted line. Similarly join the remaining 3 petals as like in the below image.

Asta Dhala Padmam - Step2

3. Now start joining the + shaped lines. Join the remaining 4 petals of the + symbol as shown with the dotted line. 

Asta Dhala Padmam - Step3

4. After joining all the lines your flower should look similar to this. A beautiful flowers with 8 petals.

Flower with 8 petals
Asta Dhala Padmam